Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hello 2011, Goodbye "Should"

Despite my usual cheery, positive nature, I'm actually not a big fan of New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. I'm usually rather depressed, in deep thought trying to digest the prior 365 days, determine what I learned, quickly itemize everything I should've done, what I should've done better, and project an insurmountable list of what I should do, and should do better in the New Year. To do this all in one day is daunting and overwhelming, to say the least! No wonder I'm usually depressed, withdrawn and grumpy. This year, as the inevitable approached, I started to sink into old habits and feel that knot in my stomach. Instead of getting sucked into this routine of self-loathing and setting unrealistic goals, I went to the gym and had a kick-ass workout, cooked a great meal for my parents and reflected upon the past year with gratitude. I actually found Facebook as a neat way to do this! Using one of their apps, I re-read all of my status updates of which about 50% contained Words of Wisdom, Quotes of the Day and Daily Affirmations. I realized that these really reflected my year, my new path, my new mindset, and my new practices. It jolted me back on path. I've been feeling a little lost - not necessarily in a bad way - these past few weeks. Re-reading all of these nuggets of hope, optimism, affirmation, love, acceptance and kindness warmed me inside and out. I suddenly didn't feel so lost. So, I gathered them all up and decided to do a different kind of itemization this year. Here they are all in one place! And instead of making a list of "shoulds" for the New Year, or resolutions, I decided upon just two:

1) Eliminate should/should've from my vocabulary.
2) Continue searching for and sharing these lovely words of inspiration. Don't lose sight of their insight and potential for healing - mind, body and soul.

I hope you find meaning in some or all of them as much as I have. Health and happiness to you in this most exciting New Year. And I hope you're still feeling the incredible Love and Light bestowed upon us from the significant Lunar Eclipse which occurred on the Winter Solstice just a few weeks ago.

"I stress freshness because it implies seeing with new eyes, tasting with beginner’s buds, hearing like you’ve never heard, and loving like you’ve never been hurt… You can put that in my Biography.” Jason Mraz

"Come on and open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you’re free
Look into your heart and you’ll find that the sky is yours.” Jason Mraz

Today, I approach relationships and interactions with quiet confidence and an optimistic outlook. I recognize that everything is connected and everything matters. I allow myself to experience joy in each moment of this day.

I am grateful for what I have. I am always focused in the present moment where I have everything wonderful I desire. I am filled with gratitude.

Today, I find answers and inspiration everywhere. I live my life filled with vitality and aliveness.

“What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lives within us.” Oliver Wendell Holmes

Inspiration, joy, and right decisions are established in my consciousness, and I move through this day with the complete assurance that all is well.

I am at peace and I embrace all in life in peace.

Today I take all my unhappy memories out of my body and place them in a basket. My pain, anger, fear and my resentments are placed in this basket. I have an angel that takes this basket of unhappiness from my hands and flies to the outer reaches of the universe and transforms it in loving energy that will revisit me later today. I forgive and seek to be in a state of continual forgiveness.

"I will continue to be grateful for my 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness'." (me)

I am present, in the moment, in the now.

“Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams.” Paulo Coelho

“I’m standing in my truth and letting my light shine through.” (me)

“Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dreams. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success.” Lao Tzu

“It doesn’t cost anything to be honest, loyal and true.” The Avett Brothers

“And the time came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to bloom.” Anais Nin

“I am an architect of my present, not an artifact of my past.”

“Within you is all the Light you need to illuminate the darkness around you.” The Daily Love

“Music is for dancing – for penetrating your subconscious and having sex with your soul. Music should leave you feeling satisfied and fully, like you’ve just had a big meal and need to take a nap. Or a crap.” Jason Mraz

May you always have love to share,
Health to spare,
And friends that care.

“The difference between school and life? In school, you’re taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson.” Tom Bodet

Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not arrived, and I live in an eternal present filled with an everlasting good. Today is big with hope fulfilled, with love and life well lived. Tomorrow will provide its own blessings.

"I light up the world around me with a smile on my face. I glow with happiness from the inside out."

“Those who live in the past limit their futures”. Yogi tea bag

"I breathe in gratitude and breathe out love." (me)

"I am inspired. I am inspiring." (me)

“We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak.” Epictetus

I will be conscious of the thoughts I put in me.

“If it’s dark around you, remember the Light within.” The Daily Love

Turn your face to the sun and the shadows will fall behind you.” Life is Good

“As I start my day with a happy heart, my outlook is brighter, my walk is lighter, and my voice is sweeter. Love lights the way before me. My happy heart releases all tension, and I am at ease and at peace in mind and body.” Daily Word