Thursday, April 29, 2010

"I'm only this far and only tomorrow leads my way..."

After last night's blog entry, I woke up this morning craving to hear a couple of inspiring songs which have carried me through highs and lows over the past 10+ years. At 30, a lot happens in the previous 10+ years. If songs can stand the test of that time, then they must be pretty special.

Specifically, I was drawn to Dave Matthews' #41 & Pantala Naga Pampa. Simply put, here are the key lyrics which I go to when I'm feeling happy and when I'm feeling sad:

I will go in this way
And find my own way out

I'm only this far
And only tomorrow leads my way

Come and relax now
Put your troubles down
No need to bear the weight of your worries
Just let them all fall away.

Of course, with any great song, it's not just the lyrics which infuse themselves into your soul. It's the way the melody and harmony interweave themselves to breathe a deeper life into the lyrics. So, here are a couple live versions of these songs. Take a listen. I hope they lift you up as they have done for me countless times.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

getting over being under

In the midst of writing a new chapter in my life, turning down another road on my professional path, I've been pondering this past year. I've experienced some of the deepest, darkest lows while also some of the most amazing, inspiring highs in my 30 years. Through it, I truly feel enlightened with a renewed sense of clarity, internal calm and zest for life. While I feel that my direction has come into focus, I also feel less urgency to get there. A cliche comes to mind: it's about the journey, not the destination. It's really a metaphor for life, whether you're religious or not. None of us really know what's at the end of this life. Though we may disagree as to what's in store for us, I think everyone is united in the best way to get there. My journey to today, so far, has been filled with love, joy and laughter as well as some less-than-happy feelings. However, it all got me to today. I can say with confidence that I'm happy with today and who I am in this moment. So as I travel down another road of discovery, new friends, new places and undoubtable growth, I find it only fitting that I reflect on my most recent journey which brings me to the title of this post.

Getting over it. I got over so much this past year: myself, others, pre-conceived notions, setting deadlines for things that are out of my control and I'm sure much more that I just can't recall at the moment. While I was forced to get over it after abruptly losing a job I loved, I'm grateful for the self-evaluation that ensued, the time to sort myself out, the ability to stregthen relationships with friends, family, music and myself. This past year I was "under" employed, a term I had never heard before, and one, quite frankly, I believe was generated by the media as a reaction to the recession. Un- or under- employed, it still sucks. Saying you're underemployed is still humiliating. Fortunately for me, I was one of many, so I was part of one big pity party.

If you've never lost your job, whether fired or "let go", I can tell you, it's a jolt like you've never experienced. You'll take it personally. You'll cry. You'll be angry. You'll grieve. But you'll also become incredibly strong. Actually, you'll find your inner strength, pick yourself back up and figure out how to deal. Of course there are mundane details to sort out like unemployment, health benefits, job searching and the like. But really, what you're figuring out is who you really are. What matters to you? Who matters? What is going to be your next step? You can either become overwhelmed by these heavy-hitting questions or jump in head first and keep swimming until you find your island. Admittedly, I started drowning a few times, had to rely on some life-savers along my voyage but eventually I found my island and now I'm basking in the sun, so grateful for the swim.

So here's what I learned, in no order of importance, cebral & silly, all-in-one:

-Water is a true healer. drink lots of it. visit the ocean. listen to the rain. you'll feel better. i promise.

-Family are the legs to your table, until you can stand on your own legs again. don't be ashamed to ask them for help, whether it's a hug or a hundred bucks. they WILL help you.

-Friends will cure you. lean on them, cry on them, laugh with them and spend as much time with them as you can. they'll celebrate your joys and help you beat the blues. you'll find friends in the strangest places while you're finding your way. let them in and embrace what you may learn from them. however, you will also lose some friends, either by your choice or theirs. some people just can't handle the tough times. it's ok, maybe they'll be back. hopefully they won't. you don't need them.

-Farmville is extremely relaxing. even though i'm not a fan of video games, i've become a farmville addict.

-Music should be classified as a religion. it's mine. without it i think i'd still be swimming, or possibly drowning. thank the music gods for jason mraz this year. his music, his outlook and teachings of gratitude and health really pulled me through the last leg of my journey. i'm amazed that despite my own personal troubles, i was still able to connect with music, allow it to enter my soul, fill me with joy and comfort me.

-Public libraries rock. they're free, they're cool in the summer and they're filled with many answers. if you don't already have a library card, get one and check out your local bibioteca today. make a list of things you'd like to learn about and hit the books. like music, i'm grateful for some good reads. i'll admit it, the twilight saga definitley distracted me during my june blues after my pet died.... which brings me to the next one...

-Animals teach you things that no one else will. they love you unconditionally and appreciate anything you do for them. i volunteered as much as i could with my local SPCA this past year thinking i'd "give back". boy was i wrong. i was the one who received. if you don't already volunteer in your community, you should start. do so right after you get that library card.

-Taking time for your Mind, Body and Spirit daily is a must (after you've applied for those jobs, volunteered and checked out the library). exercise as much as you can, not just for the obvious health benefits but for the confidence you'll gain and power you'll feel. the endorphin rush does amazing things for your shattered emotions. take this endless time on your hands to explore nature while exercising. biking, nature walks, geocaching all worked for me. if you do join a gym, become friends with the trainers and fellow gym mates. i even had a "gym crush". just knowing he would be at the gym, kept me motivated :) i also practiced yoga and enjoyed monthly massage treatment. hint: ask for spa gift certificates for every holiday. spa visits accomplish mind, body and spirit.

-See everything you'll do as an Adventure. adjusting your outlook in this way really makes a difference.

-Practice Gratitude. i know it's tough to think of what you're grateful for when it seems like your world has been turned upside down but there's always something to be grateful for. i have a few things to get you started: that nifty library card, hugs from friends, wet noses on your hand from the dogs you've walked, time to do what you please and the opportunity to really think about what you want to be doing from 9-5 and making it happen. If it helps, use this online journal/gratitude community:

-Humility will go out the window. get over it. ask people for help. dig out those old contact lists and start calling. attend networking events. ask for recommendations/endorsements. offer to work part-time or even for free if it will get your mind going, get some cash in your pocket or boost your resume.

-Be open. open to meeting new people, feeling new feelings, moving to a new place, veering off your career "path" and letting go. just let go.

-You don't need caffeine, alcohol or processed foods to get through the day. start exploring a new "diet". start eating only foods that provide absolute nutritional benefits. if it isn't going to fuel you, you shouldn't be eating it. buy organic and/or local whenever possible. i don't need to explain why, just wanted to remind you.

-Being Green is better than blue. find ways to make green and be green. you'll feel so good. eating meat isn't being green, even if you eat a frog.

-If you put your True Self out there, you'll be happier with what you get back. if you're not getting immediate benefits, re-evaluate whether you're really being honest with those around you.

-Goodbye parties are like funerals. those who show up to bid you farewell or congratulate you on your new endeavor are all that really mattered and matter. you'll be surprised who shows up (and who doesn't). be grateful who had the courage and heart to show up. And know that you're not saying, "goodbye" to friends or experiences, you're saying, "see you later".

To say I'm not nervous about this new trip would be a lie. I hope that the failures of my past prove to be lessons to carry me through. I go forward confidently but cautiously. I'm going to meet interesting people and learn so much. I don't mind swimming but I'm tired. I'd like to bask in the sun for awhile.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

On a quest to create yummy, natural, unprocessed foods & inspire others to do the same...

So with the whole Food Revolution currently buzzing about, from rantings of Jamie Oliver and Michael Pollan, I'm sure many of you are scratching your heads (or squeezing those love handles), wondering, "Well, what the HECK can I eat?" Personally, I started changing the way I perceive and achieve health about 6 months ago and feel absolutely fantastic. Did she lose weight, get better skin, or get more pep to her step, you may ask... well, I'll get into all of that another time, in another post.

I'm writing this to share a recipe I just created in the hopes that I'll inspire you to engage in this "whole" food revolution movement, if you aren't already done so. If you already "get it", then think of this as just another shared recipe, inspiring you to create something like it and share it with me :) In addition to loving this absolutely decadent dessert, you will also feel amazing because it's guilt-free and in-line with all of the Oliver/Pollan "rules" to better eating.

While I do commend myself as a foodie able to come up with tasty creations from simple snacks to gourmet dishes, it wouldn't be fair if I didn't recognize my inspiration for this recipe. As many of you know, I am enamored with Jason Mraz. To me he is inspiring both through his music and how he lives his life. I can elaborate in another note... Specifically, a raw vegan, he blogged about a Chocomole recipe he created (pictured below).

Armed with his recipe, I set out to create my own. Now I'm sharing it with all of you. It's gluten, dairy, soy and refined sugar-free! And the best part, it's NOT PROCESSED crap stored in a plastic cup. Trust me, your tummies will thank you :)


Place the following ingredients into a food processor (or similar gadget):

∙ 1 avocado
∙ 1/2 c. unsweetened vanilla rice milk (you may substitue with almond or hemp milk or even coconut water)
∙ 2 TB cocoa powder or carob powder (not the kind for hot beverages, the unsweetened kind)
∙ 1 TB honey or agave nectar (adjust to taste)

(yeah, really that's ALL you need...)

*use organic ingredients whenever possible. here's why. or watch this.

This serves 2 but honestly, you're gonna wanna scarf it all yourself!

In case your only familiarity with the loveliest green fruit, the avocado, is in the form of guacomole, here are some fun facts from the website:

Nutritional Benefits
Avocados provide nearly 20 essential nutrients, including fiber, potassium, Vitamin E, B-vitamins and folic acid. They also act as a "nutrient booster" by enabling the body to absorb more fat-soluble nutrients, such as alpha and beta-carotene and lutein, in foods that are eaten with the fruit.

Avocados and Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, but a healthy diet and exercise plan may help reduce your risk of developing the life-threatening illness.

The American Heart Association (AHA) Dietary Guidelines recommend a diet that has at least five servings of fruits and vegetables, contains up to 30% of calories from fats (primarily unsaturated) and is low in saturated fat, cholesterol, trans fats and sodium while being rich in potassium. Avocados can help you meet the AHA dietary guidelines because they have both monosaturated and polyunsaturated fat and contain potassium.

***N.B. I couldn't find anything on the nutrional benefits of instant pudding snax that strangely don't require refrigeration yet are "chock full" of milk & calcium...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

I'm blogging. I'm a blogger. I'm revealed...

...I feel naked.

Deep exhale. So this is my first blog. Ever. While I feel like I'm entering this realm of cyberspace a bit late, I'm happy and excited about it, nonetheless. Why am I blogging? Why do I want to be a... blogger?! I've asked myself this many times over the past year or so. I've wondered, do I have anything worth saying, will anyone read it, does it matter if anyone reads it, should I have a purpose to my blog, what should it look like, should I promote someone or something (or myself), will I stick with it, will people judge me? With such daunting questions looming over me and having the constant over-conscientiousness due to being the daughter of not only an English teacher but a writer, I just got overwhelmed (or scared) and abandoned any desires to be a Blogger.

However, in the past few months, while revolutionizing the way I perceive and achieve health, I've transformed. Or maybe it's awakened. No, re-awakened. Honestly, I don't know what to call it. Either way, I'm just in a "good place" and realized that I've experience a lot and have something to say. Whether anyone listens/reads, only time will tell. Even if no one is reading, I think the process of journaling my thoughts, ideals and experiences and sharing those of the folks who inspire me will be rewarding in and of itself. So I guess that's why I'm blogging.

Speaking of inspiration, my desire to blog is mostly due to my admiration for Jason Mraz, a Mega Blogger and King of the Wordplay. After following his blog, I was inspired to do the same. Not that I hope to BE Mr. A-Z but he seems like a happy dude and he has stated repeatedly that journaling is a major factor into making him cheery and optimistic. Since those are two qualities I strive to achieve, I figured he's on to something. And in following his blog, I've been led to other blogs by other inspiring people who in turn, further inspired me to hit the keys and start blogging away.

Basically, my life has been a series of some pretty crazy adventures. It was only recently, during a devastating lay-off, which provided me a lot of time (too much at times) to think, that I realized that they were in fact, adventures, not mishaps, wrong turns or closed roads, like I had once perceived them to be. Armed with this new optimism, I'm packing my bags for yet another adventure. Unfortunately... No scratch that. FORtunately, most of my adventures require a major move to a new place, by myself. This time, I am wholly excited and unafraid. In the past, I was always afraid. Afraid? Truthfully, I feared failure. Now that I've faced failure several times, I don't fear it (as much) and realize that it all works out, no matter how far you fall or how bad it seems. For me, if I have my family, friends and music, I will always find my way through. Courageous, I look forward to this new chapter in my life, hopeful that I'll meet super-cool people, learn lots of awesome stuff and become an even better person because of it all.

My blog will certainly keep me authentic. This is something I seek in everyone with whom I surround myself. It's also part of the title of my blog because I know this is how others perceive me and I'm proud of that. While I love Facebook and Twitter, there's just so much you can express when you're limited to a status bar and 140 characters.

Maybe my blog will be a chronicle of these new adventures and a re-telling of those in the past. Maybe it won't. Maybe I'll meet new people. Maybe I'll piss someone off. Maybe I'll inspire someone instead. Whatever my blog turns out to be, I'm ready. I'm committed. And I hope you're reading.

authentically yours,

"Live high, live mighty
Live righteously, taking it easy...

Just take it easy and celebrate the malleable reality
See there's nothing that's ever as it seems
This life is full of dreams." (Jason Mraz)