Saturday, April 16, 2011

Faithful Atheist

You may wonder, why would an atheist post a quote referencing the Creator, a.k.a "God." I read this quote this morning on Mastin Kipp's insightful and inspiring blog, The Daily Love. Although a bad habit to reach for my Blackberry as soon as I awake and focus my eyes, I look forward to scanning through the junk emails, searching for Mastin's cheery daily dose of lovely affirmations, words of wisdom, tools for self-improvement and general feel-good, positive energy. It's a fabulous way to start your day. I highly recommend you check it out! When I read this quote, I was struck by it. A fan of Emerson since I read Thoreau's Walden Pond in grammar school and subsequently became intrigued with transcendentalism, the quote made me pause. To be honest, when I see God referenced, I usually scan the text, dismissing it. I'm a bit ashamed to admit that and look forward to reversing that reaction in the future. As I stared at that intimidating word CREATOR, I began to see it differently, accepting it, in a way. I also thought, Emerson could have said GOD and didn't. Why? Could he have meant Creator in a different way? Could I see it differently and interpret this quote differently? Could I enjoy it, learn from it and be inspired by it without attaching a religious meaning to it and "Creator"? Of course I can! What a silly, unnecessary question. And what a relief. Thank God.

Lately I've really been struggling with the idea of Faith. It's not something that comes naturally for a myriad of reasons, the most obvious I attribute to being raised without religion. I'm thoroughly content with my lack of religious upbringing (which does NOT mean lack of religious education) but realize that I'm a bit more challenged now to understand, accept and practice having Faith. Without it, I think we would all go mad so I'll continue trying to wrap my head around it. In addition to reminding me about the importance of Faith, Emerson reminded me today that because of all the beauty I have seen, that there is so much more to see. That was so inspiring! I admittedly get down once in awhile, often feeling like I'm stuck and with all of the negativity and ugliness in the world, the beautiful moments that so lifted me in the past, are dwindling. It upsets me more that these negative thoughts creep in more often than I'd like. It's not just about telling yourself to be positive, brushing yourself off, or looking at the other side of the coin - it's about having Faith in the past, present and future. If things were beautiful and awe-inspiring in the past, you will absolutely experience that again. Having Faith in the present you, the present moment ensures that. And how exciting that there is so much more than we can imagine out there to see and experience? Even as I re-read this post for errors and additions, I realize that this quote has more meaning than what initially thought and have tried to describe. I'm happy that I stumbled across it and will continue finding meaning within it.

I am in gratitude today to Emerson and Mastin. I appreciate this friendly and uplifting reminder to have Faith, continue seeking that next inspiring moment and be open to those unsuspected moments of wisdom. They may come in a different package than what you're usually expecting. It may look and feel unfamiliar or even make you fearful. Push into that discomfort. That's where you're really discover the magic.

I chose the image above as it reflects the first thing I thought of when I read it. You may recognize the wondrous beauty of Yellowstone National Park. My family has two photos of us standing practically in this same spot with that amazingly unforgettable view behind us; one snapped in 1990 and the other around 1995. I will cherish those tattered photos forever but the memories are burned into my memory. And I look forward to more adventures in that most precious national treasure.

And, as George Michael preaches, "You gotta have Faith!"

I hope this blog post, Emerson's quote, Mastin's blog, or even George Michael's gyrations inspires you today!

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