Saturday, May 8, 2010

Daily Dose of Inspiration

Today I was super-inspired because both my visual and aural senses were enlightened simultaneously.

Check it:

Jason Mraz : Tour 2009 Video Backdrop Graphics from colin gill on Vimeo.

This features one my favorite JMraz songs, "Beautiful Mess" and reflects a sampling of what you would've seen during his most recent tour, appropriately named the Gratitude Cafe Tour. Friends and co-inspirers of Jason, Colin Gill & Jon Marro collaborated to create this artwork and animation. Colin works for Nova Cart and Jon created his company, Blend Apparel and has also done design work for DMB.

Here's another montage produced by Colin, featuring "The Dynamo of Volition":

Here's a little bit about Blend Apparel from their website:

Blend Apparel is a culture of connective communication. Our colorful, quirky, and self-aware t-shirts invite internal and external conversation. They are wearable question marks openly aimed at the hows and whys the world works. Our shirts encourage people to smile wider, look closer, and think broader. Blend Apparel offers a visual means with which people can be heard. Using the privilege of business, we provide messages our customers can literally try on. We are creating, and simultaneously communicating, through a questioned-based language of iconography. This is a revolution. We believe it is our assignment to unite people in such a way, where if you are wearing one of our shirts, and you see another person wearing one of our shirts, even the exact same shirt, in the exact same room as you…you acknowledge that person for their part in the greater cause, rather than feel awkward and or fashionabley unoriginal. Blend Apparel uses eco-friendly fabrics, dyes, and printing methods. It is our planetary goal to leave the lightest possible footprint, and deepest possible imprint. We are committed to inspiring. To helping awaken. To showing up as beacons, messengers, and transformationaries. To always choosing the highest path. To listening from within, and to holding love higher than any circumstance. We are completely. Undoubtedly. and absurdly committed to “wear we live.”



Barnabas Blog said...

thanks for this post. if only more people blogged with this sort of content.

musing mandy said...

thanks so much! how did you find my blog?