Sunday, April 11, 2010

On a quest to create yummy, natural, unprocessed foods & inspire others to do the same...

So with the whole Food Revolution currently buzzing about, from rantings of Jamie Oliver and Michael Pollan, I'm sure many of you are scratching your heads (or squeezing those love handles), wondering, "Well, what the HECK can I eat?" Personally, I started changing the way I perceive and achieve health about 6 months ago and feel absolutely fantastic. Did she lose weight, get better skin, or get more pep to her step, you may ask... well, I'll get into all of that another time, in another post.

I'm writing this to share a recipe I just created in the hopes that I'll inspire you to engage in this "whole" food revolution movement, if you aren't already done so. If you already "get it", then think of this as just another shared recipe, inspiring you to create something like it and share it with me :) In addition to loving this absolutely decadent dessert, you will also feel amazing because it's guilt-free and in-line with all of the Oliver/Pollan "rules" to better eating.

While I do commend myself as a foodie able to come up with tasty creations from simple snacks to gourmet dishes, it wouldn't be fair if I didn't recognize my inspiration for this recipe. As many of you know, I am enamored with Jason Mraz. To me he is inspiring both through his music and how he lives his life. I can elaborate in another note... Specifically, a raw vegan, he blogged about a Chocomole recipe he created (pictured below).

Armed with his recipe, I set out to create my own. Now I'm sharing it with all of you. It's gluten, dairy, soy and refined sugar-free! And the best part, it's NOT PROCESSED crap stored in a plastic cup. Trust me, your tummies will thank you :)


Place the following ingredients into a food processor (or similar gadget):

∙ 1 avocado
∙ 1/2 c. unsweetened vanilla rice milk (you may substitue with almond or hemp milk or even coconut water)
∙ 2 TB cocoa powder or carob powder (not the kind for hot beverages, the unsweetened kind)
∙ 1 TB honey or agave nectar (adjust to taste)

(yeah, really that's ALL you need...)

*use organic ingredients whenever possible. here's why. or watch this.

This serves 2 but honestly, you're gonna wanna scarf it all yourself!

In case your only familiarity with the loveliest green fruit, the avocado, is in the form of guacomole, here are some fun facts from the website:

Nutritional Benefits
Avocados provide nearly 20 essential nutrients, including fiber, potassium, Vitamin E, B-vitamins and folic acid. They also act as a "nutrient booster" by enabling the body to absorb more fat-soluble nutrients, such as alpha and beta-carotene and lutein, in foods that are eaten with the fruit.

Avocados and Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, but a healthy diet and exercise plan may help reduce your risk of developing the life-threatening illness.

The American Heart Association (AHA) Dietary Guidelines recommend a diet that has at least five servings of fruits and vegetables, contains up to 30% of calories from fats (primarily unsaturated) and is low in saturated fat, cholesterol, trans fats and sodium while being rich in potassium. Avocados can help you meet the AHA dietary guidelines because they have both monosaturated and polyunsaturated fat and contain potassium.

***N.B. I couldn't find anything on the nutrional benefits of instant pudding snax that strangely don't require refrigeration yet are "chock full" of milk & calcium...

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